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movie fan 影迷。

movie house

Fred karlin , a highly respected composer , is not only a noted musician but is also a well - known music educator . his books , favorites of movie fans , have also become the must - read textbooks for students of many musical institutions . it is worth mentioning that mr . karlin personally performed flugelhorn for “ the peace seeker . 菲德卡林,不只是一位成就顯赫的音樂家,他也是舉世馳名的音樂教育家,其所著述的書籍,除了是影癡們的最愛,如今更成為各國音樂學院學生必讀的教科本。

Movie fans all like to see movies which pool all of movie stars because as such they can see holywood top stars as they do their shopping in a connected sequence 2004年12月14日影迷們都喜歡看這種所有明星都集中在一起的電影,看這樣的電影簡直就像是對好萊塢頂級明星的一站式購物。

Hardcore hong kong movie fans should remember that 2002 was a prosperous year for horror movie . however , stepping into 2003 , this trend was replaced by the outpourings of comedies 猶記得去年( 2002 )香港鬼片當道,產量豐盛,可是踏入2003年,卻變成喜劇的天下。

Hardcore hong kong movie fans should remember that 2002 was a prosperous year for horror movie . however , stepping into 2003 , this trend was replaced by the outpourings of comedies 猶記得去年2002香港鬼片當道,產量豐盛,可是踏入2003年,卻變成喜劇的天下。

Movie fans will also enjoy the annual international film festival every april . audiences can choose from around 300 movies in many genres 每年的4月份,電影迷的觀眾可以欣嘗到在這里舉行的國際電影節。大約有300部不同流派的電影供觀眾們選擇。

It doesn ' t take too much stretch of the imagination to realize that john is besieged with adoring and pleading notes from thousands of movie fans 無需多想就可以知道來自成千上萬的影迷表示景慕和懇求的信件一定把約翰弄的應接不暇。

It is the “ going global “ of chinese movie industry that enables zhang received such warm welcome from american movie fans 正是受益于中國電影產業的“走出去”的戰略,張才受到了美國影迷的熱烈追捧。

For american movie fans the top film of the year was the ( ceridian storm ) third installment in the spiderman ( french eyes ) franchise 對于美國的影迷們來說,今年最棒的電影是蜘蛛俠第三集。

For american movie fans , the top film of the year was the third installment in the spider - man franchise 對于美國的電影迷來說,年度最佳影片就是特殊公民蜘蛛俠主演的蜘蛛俠第三部。

For american movie fans , the top film of the year was the third installment in the spider - man franchise 對于美國的影迷來說,今天最受歡迎的電影是《蜘蛛俠3 》 。

On may 1 screens after asian each place , many local movie fan displays enthusiastically 5月1日在亞洲各地上映后,多個地區的影迷表現踴躍。

All the movie fans can ' t wait to see the movie about the origin of basketball 所有的影迷等不及要看這部有關籃球起源的電影。

We are all movie fans 我們都是電影迷。

She is a great movie fan 她是一個影迷。

I am a real movie fan 我是地道的電影迷

My sister is a movie fans 我妹妹是個影迷。

My sister is a movie fan / hound 我妹妹是個影迷。

My sister is a loyal movie fan 我妹妹是個影迷。

Has made an indelible impression on movie fans all over the world 出色的表演給全球影迷留下了不可磨滅的印象